
Nikolaos Floratos

How to write a great impact section in an Horizon 2020 proposal
Effective writing techniques and strategy for developing a great impact section in an Horizon 2020 proposal

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How to write a great impact section in an Horizon 2020 proposal

Effective writing techniques and strategy for developing a great impact section in an Horizon 2020 proposal

Masterclass overview

Writing a great Impact section is actually one of the key-success factors for developing an excellent proposal in Horizon 2020 but many organisations including research institutes, industry, SMEs, policy advisors (NGOs, Non-profit ones) face many challenges on preparing an impact section of great quality. This one-day training will support participants to master best practices and apply well-proved techniques with less effort and develop more effectively a great impact section in an Horizon 2020 proposal of either pillar 1 (Excellent Science) or pillar 2 and 3 (LEIT and Societal Challenges).

Agenda: Register € 690

Effective writing techniques and strategy for developing a great impact section in an Horizon 2020 proposal
09:00 - 10:30
  • Removing the dust from the Impact Section in Horizon 2020 grant applications (Pillar 1, Pillar 2 and Pillar 3)
10:30 - 10:45
Coffee break
10:45 - 12:30
  • Removing the dust from the Impact Section in Horizon 2020 grant applications (Pillar 1, Pillar 2 and Pillar 3) Cont...
  • Mastering techniques on dealing successfully with each of the Impact subcriteria and the respective section in the H2020 grant application form
12:30 - 13:00
Lunch break
13:00 - 14:30
  • Mastering techniques on dealing successfully with each of the Impact subcriteria and the respective section in the H2020 grant application form Cont...
14:30 - 14:45
Coffee break
14:45 - 16:00
  • Tips and hints for Impressing the EC experts and Horizon 2020 evaluators with your approach in the "Impact" section
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Nikolaos is ranked by Google and Linkedin in the top three positions as funding expert. The last 9 years, he has transformed hundrends of individuals into successful administrative and financial managers through science-backed and experience-based training and coaching practices...

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    European Projects Association asbl (EPA)

    The use of innovative information and communication technologies is a distinctive characteristic of this leading cooperation network dedicated to the European projects stakeholders. EPA supports the goals of organizations, experts and individuals with a complete set of ICT tools on My Europa platform and services that foster development, effective implementation and efficient dissemination of EU projects. EPA is a recognized innovative actor at the European level as a point in which knowledge and experience meet to create an ideal multimedia environment for the development of European projects.

    Informo Association

    Informo acts with an aim to improve the life conditions of the Croatian citizens in various areas with a special attention to the youth and the unemployed. In addition, Informo performs consultations in regards to preparation and implementation of projects which apply for national and international funding (EU, UN, and others) and the implementation and evaluation of projects financed by EU funds, providing information services on the EU options, and other consulting services.
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